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dolphin browser for android

Powerful, Fast & Elegant web browser for Android 2.0+.Browsing made wonderful.
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Dolphin Browser HD is a professional mobile browser presented by Mobotap Inc. Dolphin Browser HD is the most advanced and customizable web browser. You can browse the Web with the greatest speed and efficiency by using Dolphin browser HD. Experience features including Add-ons, Gestures, Tabs, Bookmarks folder, Multi Touch pinch zoom, User Agent Switcher, Save Page, Downloads, and much more.
We have a very helpful support team and love getting user feedback - It's what makes Dolphin Browser get better with each frequent update! If you feel you need to rate us anything below 5 stars, please email us to give us a chance to resolve your issues and to provide you with assistance:
Here's what others are saying:
Media Reviews:
-"Dolphin Brower is a “must try” browser for every Android device owner.” Gigaom
-"Dolphin is the most capable browser available for Android.” PC Mag
-"Dolphin Browser HD Is a Great Android Browser Alternative.” Lifehacker
-"Dolphin Browser was quite the find when it first broke the surface, pretty much pioneering alternative browsers on the Android platform.” CNet
Customer Reviews:
-[Théodore Bienvenue] “I just want to say thank you for the BEST DROID BROWSER and for it being free. I am so grateful to have this on my phone I will do anything to promote you guys or donate please keep me posted on future events.” Comments on Facebook
-[Soulmech] “Anyone with an Android device should use @DolphinBrowser. Way better than Firefox, Opera, or any stock browser.” Mentions on twitter
-[carl] “Works like a dream, unlike the original browser. Love the custom touch commands SE X10.” Five star on Android Market

What makes Dolphin better than others?

- Add-ons
Do customize your own browser, and make your browser look and function the way you want.
- Gestures
Use gestures for easy navigation while surfing the Internet. You can draw any pattern for any sites & actions.
- Unlimited Tabs
Enjoy desktop class web browsing experience. Create as many tabs as you need, quickly switch between opened web pages and open links in new tabs.
- Manage Bookmarks
Dolphin excels bookmark management. Add bookmarks, create multiple nested folders.
- Bookmark Favorite Web Pages
You can add your favorite web pages to the bookmarks. Open a new tab and quickly navigate to any preferred web site.
- Save Web Pages
You can save web pages to read them offline with all images preserved.
- Find on Page
Easily find a word on the web page. Work great for long articles.
- Turn on Desktop Browsing
You can set Dolphin to browse desktop versions of the web sites.
- Stay Private
Enabling private mode will stop the browser from remembering history.
- Colorful theme pack
Decorate your own browser with the color you want.
- Your Mother Tongue supported
16 languages supported, eliminate the strangeness on other languages.

Feel free to contact us if you have any suggestions, questions or issues by sending mail to us. Or follow us on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook.

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